Biomed Alumni Move on Up

St. Luke's Staff WritersAdmissions, Alumni, Biomed, University, Upper School

Branching Out.Here at St. Luke’s, we focus on getting our students out the door, well, not exactly. An integral piece of our mission statement reads that we develop students “with character and intellect to thrive in college and life”. In fulfilling this portion of our mission, we strive to provide our students with opportunities that will stimulate their growth as … Read More

Seniors Prepare For Biomed Capstone Presentations

Taylor Jackson2023, Biomed, Seniors, University

About Biomed Senior Capstone Projects.The senior Biomedical Capstone Presentations are the culmination of three years of hard work and dedication. Beginning in the Fundamentals class these students have explored a variety of medical occupations and learned clinical skills that have opened their eyes to the vast career options that are in the realm of healthcare. They have heard from dozens … Read More

Biomed Cooks Up Opportunities

St. Luke's Staff WritersBiomed, University, Upper School

Culinary Medicine on the Rise.S t. Luke’s is proud to introduce a new addition to our beloved Biomedical Sciences Program: Culinary Medicine! The field of Culinary Medicine is one of the most rapidly emerging disciplines in medicine today, so naturally St. Luke’s has jumped on the opportunity to be at the forefront of this educational trend. This class offers discussions … Read More

Biomed Explores the Coast Guard ATC

Connie JacksonBiomed, University, Upper School

Biomed Tours the Coast Guard Aviation Training Center.S t. Luke’s Fundamentals in Biomedical Science classes had the opportunity to explore the US Coast Guard Aviation Training Center. Thanks to Lieutenant Commander Mark Currier and Lieutenant David Ahmadian, our biomedical science students were able to tour both the training center and the medical clinic. The students received the grand tour through … Read More