St. Luke’s Students at Boys State

Kelly ChoiNews & Events, Spotlight, Student Spotlight

More Than Student Leaders.

Two St. Luke's students attended Boys State during their WILDcat summer. Seniors Alex Scott and Andrew Burchett attended Boys State at Troy University this summer. Boys State is an organization created for boys interested in leadership to learn how they can play a role in democracy and how to impact society. The program provides delegates with working knowledge of how the governments function on the city, county and state levels. Boys State is a unique program that provides hands-on experience and participation in a model state government.


Andrew attended Boys State to connect with friends and colleges while learning more about the government. Alex knew he wanted to attend Boys State because his older brother, Drew, attended while also a senior at St. Luke’s.

American Legion Alabama Boys State makes millions of dollars in scholarship money available to graduates of the program. The scholarships for attending are about $1,000 for most schools. Andrew was offered a $4,000 scholarship to Auburn for being named an alternate for Boys Nation in Washington, D.C.

Both Alex and Andrew were honored to attend Boy’s State and enjoyed meeting people from all over the state. They

also let it be known that they loved the food! Andrew’s favorite part of his visit was the Peace and Justice Memorial for lynching. He described it as very silent and honorable. He saw pillars of the victims’ names of each county in the U.S. He felt very privileged to be there. Alex states, “It was the BEST week of the summer!”