September 18, 2024

HOCO 2024: Interview with Wilkes Wildcat

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Wilkes Wildcat Speaks.

ilkes is a well known member of the St. Luke’s community. Everyone knows who he is just by his name. You have met him or even just seen him. Everyone gets excited when they hear his name or see him. Wilkes is our school mascot.

You can find him on the University Campus or the Japonica Campus. You can even find him sometimes at the football games. He helps the cheerleaders with pep rallies. Recently he welcomed all our new students at Wildcat Welcome, which is where all the new student come to hear their teachers talk about their classes and programs. He also does carpool with the football players and cheerleaders. He greets the children and welcomes them in the mornings during car pool. Next on his schedule is to assist the cheerleaders this Friday with the Homecoming Pep Rally.

Wilkes Wildcat, a Celebrity Among Us

I was able to get a one-on-one interview with Wilkes Wildcat. He is always high energy. When asked what his favorite part of pep rallies is he said, “I enjoy the crowd cheering and having fun with me.” He was also asked what he always wanted to be when he was a kitten. “I wanted to be an entertainer, I have always enjoyed being under the lights and performing. It makes me smile when I make others smile.”

Even as a tiny kitten, I wanted to be an entertainer.
Wilkes Wildcat

He is insistent that he does not have a favorite campus, but he does appreciate the volleyball team sharing their litter box with him. On the Japonica Campus, little kids light up and run and hug. The older kids mess with him, which leads to the inevitable dance battle. As a member of St. Luke's Cheer, Wilkes dedicates hours to perfecting his dance moves.

Celebrities, they're just like us

Although he is a very busy wildcat, he makes it his mission to make everyone smile. He says, “If I can make everyone smile in the crowd then I feel accomplished.” Wilkes is also quite the philanthropist, leaving his legacy with an award named in his honor. When you think of Alfred Nobel or Joseph Pulitzer, you naturally think next of Wilkes Wildcat and the award named for him. The annual competition and award is the zenith of St. Luke's Homecoming Week. This week, one senior male will be crowned with the greatest award of his lifetime: Mr. Wildcat.

Being a celebrity is hard

One place you won't see Wilkes is sitting next to you in the classroom. Due to the overwhelming paparazzi, he spends his days doing online school and taking cat naps. If he went to school regularly then he would be swarmed by students and faculty. He can't distract them from their education and schooling. Wilkes is just happy to show up for the fun.

Whether he is dancing, giving high fives, or hugs you will always find him having fun and playing around. He has many photos with students and faculty. Parents love him and so do their kids. He is truly and amazing kitty and has left his mark at St. Luke’s.