August 28, 2024

2024 Booster Club Pep Rally

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2024 Wildcat Booster Club Pep Rally.

What a night to remember! The 2024 Wildcat Booster Club Pep Rally is one of St. Luke’s Episcopal School’s most exciting traditions, and it is such a great way to kick off the school year. Students look forward to this pep rally every year because it signifies the start of the fall athletic programs. Each year, the cheerleaders and the Wildcat Booster Club put on an amazing pep rally to celebrate the beginning of the fall sports season.

Fall sports are showcased to parents and friends within the St. Luke’s community to get people excited about the new seasons ahead. It also givespeople a chance to build relationships with all of the community. This event is more than just a pep rally; it is an opportunity to build relationships and strengthen the bonds within the St. Luke's family, making it clear that St. Luke's is so much more than a school.

Walking into the gym, and hearing the amount of school spirit that the entire St. Luke’s community has gets everyone so energized for what's to come in fall athletic programs.

. From Japonica students to parents and friends, the bleachers are filled with so many different people united in support of Wildcat athletics. The amazing Wildcat band starts the rally by playing the St. Luke’s fight song and familiar Friday night tunes to get everyone ready for the football season. The cheerleaders truly lead the excitement by getting the crowd involved through their cheers and energy. Captains from the Varsity Football team, Varsity Girls and Boys Cross Country team, and Varsity Volleyball team all shared speeches to encourage fans to come out and support their teams this season to help steer them all to victory. These are people who have seen their previous captains speak and have waited to get their chance. Along with them, the junior varsity, middle school, and even YDL were showcased at this pep rally to show that other teams' families and friends could support them. Many of the varsity athletes have been playing sports since YDL, so it is very impactful for young children to see what they can accomplish when they get older.

One of the students’ favorite parts of the whole pep rally is when all of the Varsity athletes get to sign posters for each student to keep. Young students look forward to meeting the Varsity athletes who inspire them to continue playing their sports. It is not just the athletes signing these posters, but instead, all people who have created a relationship with each other at St.Luke’s. That’s why these posters represent a lot more than just a pep rally. It symbolizes the amazing bonds that have been created as a result of St. Luke’s abundant amount of love. As people are jumping from table to table, waiting to get someone to sign their poster it is very easy to see how much joy everyone has. This separates the Wildcat Booster Club Pep Rally from all of the other St. Luke’s pep rallies because it is where the entire family gathers together to make even more memories.

The amount of support shown at this pep rally is nothing less than astonishing. Students, faculty, and parents all join each other in recognizing all of the hard work done by the athletes to get ready for their seasons. Although the pep rally is meant for the athletes and coaches, there is one group of people that stands out specifically and that group is the Wildcat Booster Club. St. Luke’s Wildcat Booster Club is filled with an amazing group of people who put the entire event together. They can’t be thanked enough for all of the hard work they put into everything at this school.