About St. Luke's.
ince its founding in 1961, St. Luke's Episcopal School has been a place for young people to explore, grow, and develop into young men and women who will soon be tomorrow's leaders.
As we celebrate more than 60 years in the Mobile community, we honor all those who have come before us, paving the way for St. Luke's to become one of the top private schools in Alabama.
In a geographical region whose industry is becoming more and more infused with healthcare and engineering, St. Luke’s will be the first school to integrate STEM(M) fully into K2-12th curriculum, activities, sports, and student life in keeping with its mission to prepare students for college and life.
St. Luke’s Episcopal School presents a college preparatory community developing young men and women of honor, faith and responsibility with character and intellect to thrive in college and life.
Read on to learn more about why you should choose an Episcopal Education for your child, study up on the history of St. Luke's, or see who is currently serving on the Board of Trustees at St. Luke's.
Change the way students experience the world through STEM+M
About Episcopal Education.

Rev. Jamie McElroy
The Episcopal Church is a welcoming, respectful, inclusive community, and St. Luke’s was founded as a school in that tradition. Students, faculty, and staff at St. Luke’s transcend all creeds and religions. At St. Luke’s, weekly chapel services are a part of our school life. Chapel services are welcoming and inclusive and parents and grandparents are invited to attend! Middle and Upper School Chapel is held every Monday morning. Students participate in the readings, music and special programs. Students in the 1st-5th grades attend chapel each Tuesday morning and participate extensively with musical presentations, and by serving as acolytes and readers. Early Childhood chapel services, designed specifically for our youngest Wildcats, are held every Wednesday morning. We encourage you to attend!
Bless, O Lord, St. Luke’s School and send your Holy Spirit into our hearts, that we may be led into all goodness and truth through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.
About Our School History.
Early in 1961, a group of dedicated parents and parishioners from the newly established St. Luke’s Episcopal Church investigated the possibility of starting a Christian school. Much study went into the school plan which was presented and accepted at the second annual parish meeting.
The school board was established as the governing body of the school under the authorization of the Trustees of the Mission, and their first meeting was held on February 12, 1961. The Rev. Lloyd Austin Clarke was vicar of the church and first headmaster of the school. Largely due to the efforts and contributions of Ann Carson, a founder, the school grew. The school originally named The Episcopal School, later adopted St. Luke’s Episcopal School as its formal name.
St. Luke’s Episcopal School was established on Christian principles and dedicated to the idea that each child be encouraged to progress at his or her best pace. The purpose of the school was to provide a sound preparation for further education from a Christian perspective. Based on the fundamental precepts of excellence in education in a Christian environment, supported by a loving, caring and highly qualified faculty, St. Luke’s has historically prepared students for the next level of their educational journey.
The school has historically been a kindergarten through 8th grade school. Its curriculum, while rooted in the basics, has served its students well. Recognizing the need to be progressive to meet the changing needs of families and students, the school began making plans to expand to include an upper school. In May of 2008, the school finalized its decision to expand its mission to include an upper school with the first freshman class to begin in the fall of 2009. Through the purchase of an additional 32-acre campus at 1400 University Boulevard South, St. Luke’s embarked upon its “two campuses, one mission” philosophy. Graduating its first “senior” class in 2013, St. Luke’s Episcopal School will continue to prepare students for the next level, the collegiate level, of their educational journey further understanding the importance of becoming life long learners.
Beneath the shade of Mother Oak
we take our stand for you.
For Saint Luke’s School,
for Wildcat Pride
we hold our honor true.
Our home no matter where we go,
the star that guides our way.
The bright light of Truth,
of Knowledge deep
to Saint Luke’s our love will stay.
Purpose, Philosophy, & Objectives.
St. Luke’s Episcopal School (the “School”) is an institution sponsored by St. Luke’s Episcopal Church of Mobile, Alabama (the “Church”) and is an integral part of St. Luke’s Parish. The mission and philosophy of the school are as follows and the same may be amended from time to time as herein elsewhere provided for amendment of these Bylaws.
The purpose of St. Luke’s Episcopal School is to provide a sound preparation for further education and the rest of life by providing quality mental and spiritual training. Regular worship experiences, extracurricular activities, and a desirable atmosphere with emphasis on such traits as honesty, courage, reverence, self-discipline, and service to others combine to provide an environment encouraging the growth of the whole person.
Learning is a lifetime process. Growth in learning is unique to each child. Children learn through a variety of instructional methods and through the modeling of the behaviors of those who are important to them. They must learn to view success as well as disappointment as opportunities for growth rather than as measures of their worth.
The unique role of St. Luke’s Episcopal School is to prepare students in the context of a Christian community of love and concern, to achieve academically, to develop moral values, and to interact in a socially acceptable manner. St. Luke’s School has a responsibility to this community to provide properly trained and experienced teachers and staff who demonstrate genuine love and respect for children and who are flexible in using a variety of materials and methods in meeting the individual needs of those children.
The specific objectives of St. Luke’s Episcopal School are to provide a program and an atmosphere in which a student may develop the following:
- The academic and spiritual training needed for further education
- An interest in learning
- A positive self concept and a desire to perform to the best of his/her ability
- The ideals of physical fitness and sportsmanship
- High ethical values
Board of Trustees.
The St. Luke’s Episcopal School Board of Trustees generally meets on the first Monday of the month. These meetings are posted on the general calendar on the school website. Please check the calendar for occasional changes in this schedule. Board meetings are held on both the Japonica and University campus.
Brian Knotts, Chair
Tara Lockett, Vice Chair