October 2, 2024

Class of 2025 Senior Privilege

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Celebrating Senior Privileges with the Class of 2025.

he annual Senior Privilege Ceremony was held in the Auditorium on St. Luke’s Episcopal School’s University Campus on Friday, September 13, 2024. This day marks a significant milestone that the Class of 2025 looks forward to each year. All forty-four members of our senior class were proudly seated on the stage, wearing our new white senior t-shirts, facing the eager student body, faculty, and parents in attendance.

This ceremony officially presented us with our senior privileges. These privileges allow us to leave campus during our lunch period to grab a meal nearby, with the understanding that we must return in a timely manner for our next class. Seniors with a study hall during the seventh period can even leave school early. Additionally, we have access to the Senior room during any free period, a space to hangout and relax that is reserved exclusively for seniors. Once a month, senior parents collaborate to serve lunch for our entire senior class as another special treat.

During the ceremony, we were honored to hear from our guest speaker, Edmond G. Naman, a Circuit Judge for the Mobile County Juvenile Court. He delivered a powerful speech warning us us of the dangers and consequences of abusing the privileges we were about to receive. Judge Naman shared a personal story from his childhood that inspired his journey to become a judge. He served as an assistant district attorney for about 12 years. He told us more stories and touched on many cases that he had overseen in his career. It became evident that he had a passion for helping young people get back on their feet. In his conclusion, he reminded us to show gratitude to our community and our families who have cared and sacrificed a great deal to invest in our education.

Mrs. Alicia Matthews also addressed our class, sharing heartfelt insights about our new role on campus as leaders. She encouraged us to guide underclassmen in making positive decisions and to strive for our goals while holding each other accountable. Mrs. Matthews inspired us to leave a lasting legacy at St. Luke’s. After her speech, each member of the Class of 2025 received a key chain with our own initials personally engraved on the back as a token of remembrance.

After the ceremony, we were finally granted the privilege every student anticipates: leaving assembly first. Once we exited the auditorium, a reception awaited us and our parents, complete with decorated tables and delicious refreshments.

Everywhere I looked everyone was eating and laughing along with their friends, and I felt proud of the Class of 2025 because we have made it so far. After all these long and stressful years, we have finally made it to our final year. Receiving our senior privileges felt like a reward for all of our efforts that we have put into this school over the years. I truly believe that these privileges will bring us closer together and unite us as a class throughout this final year.