St. Luke's Theatre Award Winners.
State Trumbauer Festival Award Winners
Studio Awards
- Best in Show
- Best Ensemble
- Reese Browning, Lily Liller - All-Star Cast
- Chloe Lambert - Best Lead Actress in a Studio Piece
Individual Awards
- Brody Green - Varsity Pantomime
Superior Ratings
- Sophie Bitzer - Varsity Acting Comedic
- Reese Johnson - Novice Acting Comedic
- Rishi Gupta and CJ Robertson - Intermediate Duet Acting Comedic
- Lilly Bufford and Reese Browning - Intermediate Duet Musical Dramatic
- CJ Robertson and Evelyn Cummings -Varsity Duet Musical Dramatic
Excellent Ratings
- Ana Franco - Intermediate Acting Dramatic
- Hayden Jones and Jonah Dominescy - Intermediate Duet Acting Comedic
- Reese Browning - Intermediate Musical Comedic
- Evelyn Cummings - Varsity Musical Comedic