Saluting Our Veterans.
Join us on Monday, November 11, 2024 for a special Veteran's Day program at St. Luke's Episcopal School in Mobile, Alabama.
Every year the school puts on an extremely touching Veterans Day program to recognize and celebrate the sacrifice U.S. veterans have made for us. Both our Japonica and University campuses display a unique and personal ceremony for our veterans. Head of our school, Mrs. Suzy Banks, organizes and prepares this celebration. Mrs. Banks has been a member of our St. Luke’s family for thirty-five years. She has a special place in her heart for veterans, especially since her grandfather, father, and son all served in the military. She and her former colleague, Mrs. Nellie Dowdle, came together and decided that since St. Luke’s was in session on Veterans Day, they should have a service to recognize the veterans and educate their students on the importance of recognizing it. This is how our Veterans Day program was born.
We just want to encourage people to say thank you. Sometimes it is the simple things in life, we don't have to be flashy or extra. We just want to remember people for what they have done, and this is just our simple way of saying thank you.
Mrs. Banks serves as the backbone of our school and this program. She oversees all activities and decorations for our program. Mrs. Banks designed this program to leave everyone in the building feeling loved and honored. This year's theme is “We Remember”, as a reminder of our ongoing love and appreciation for our veterans. Right now, Mrs. Banks states that “we are in, what I like to call, The Planning Period.” She is in the middle stages of organizing, planning, and finding people and decorations to make this service perfect. During our program, there will be a speech given by one of our alumni, Micheal Holland, whose children also attended St. Luke’s.
Some of the things that make our program unique come directly from our students; our band will be performing patriotic songs, our Center Stage will put on a heartfelt performance, our Art program will create handmade ornaments as a gift for our veterans, the history classes will write letters and articles about the importance of Veterans Day, our Dining Hall will prepare a well-rounded breakfast for after the service, and there will be a memorial presentation to end off the whole presentation.
All of our students have a role in showing their respect, admiration, and appreciation for our veterans. What makes it special is that we publicly express this appreciation by recognizing them with a personalized video and an ovation as we play each branch's medley. When they stand up for their branch, it gives our students to recognize our veterans and actively express their appreciation.
The Veteran's Day program is also continued on the Japonica Campus. The Lower School will present a music program by our fifth graders. Veterans will also be presented with handwritten letters and there will be essays displayed, written by our students about the veterans in their lives. This service is especially heart-touching due to the genuine love that our students have for our veterans.
We are extremely thankful for the sacrifices veterans have made for our country. We hope to properly recognize and thank them for all they have done. We invite all to attend our ceremony.