Investing in Your Child's Education at St. Luke's.
aking a commitment to a private school is a major investment for most families. St. Luke's works to make a top education accessible to all students.
Our parents know that the value of a St. Luke's education extends long after graduation. Our students regularly test at scholarship levels on the ACT, and St. Luke's has one of the highest pass rates in Mobile on AP exams. This means more college scholarships and more opportunities for your child's future.
Alabama CHOOSE Act.
St. Luke's is excited to announce that we are an approved education service provider for the Alabama CHOOSE Act. This important legislation allows eligible families to access $7,000 to apply toward tuition at St. Luke's. Best of all, this program is available to K5-12th grades.
We encourage all families to view St. Luke's video slideshow to learn more about the Alabama CHOOSE Act. Eligible families can start the application today!
See the Real Value of Your Tuition.
Not Covered Under Tuition:
Please see the list below for information on what is not included in tuition.
- Uniforms
- Books & consumable workbooks (University Campus only)
- Chromebook or Laptop (5th-12th grades only)
- Optional overnight field trips
- Athletic fees
- Tuition insurance and/or processing fees
Scholarships & Financial Aid.
Financial Aid
We understand that affording a top education for your student sometimes requires a little extra assistance. Our goal is to provide the resources to allow each student to be successful in an environment that will foster respect for self and others.
St. Luke's financial aid helps families overcome barriers, though we recognize the primary responsibility for financing a private education rests with the student's family.
St. Luke’s has partnered with Blackbaud Financial Aid Management, a service affiliated with Blackbaud Tuition Management, to
process financial aid applications. Blackbaud Financial Aid Management establishes a family’s ability to pay for
educational expenses based on data confidentially submitted by parents. Blackbaud Financial Aid
provides no funds to St. Luke’s or to its financial aid applicants. Please refer to St. Luke's Financial Aid Policy for more information
Candidates for admission may apply for financial aid at any time, however an award is not offered until the candidate has completed the admission file and offered a seat in the class.
External Scholarships
The Alabama Accountability Act of 2013 permitted the formation on non-profit “scholarship granting organizations” (SGO). These SGOs are funded by individual and corporate contributions and provide scholarships to financially eligible lower income K2-12th grade students in the state of Alabama. SGO scholarships can provide some or all of the funding for students to attend an independent school like St. Luke’s. We accept two SGOs for grades 5-12: