Biomed Students Visit Medical Museum

aabelBiomed, University, Upper School

Students enrolled in St. Luke’s Fundamentals of Biomedical Science class recently visited the Mobile Medical Museum. The students began their day with an informational tour of the museum, exploring medical artifacts of a bygone era. They also learned of the rich history of the Medical College of Alabama, originally located right here in Mobile. Students also had an opportunity to participate in some hands-on experiments, including testing and comparing pH levels of common household goods. Their final session was on the subject of macular degeneration. Students wore special glasses to experience the different types of vision loss experienced by the visually impaired. Following their sessions, students explored the medicinal her gardens on the grounds of the Mobile Medical Museum.

The Biomedical Science program at St. Luke’s is a four year program preparing Upper School students to enter a pre-med or biological sciences major in college. The only one of its kind in the region, Biomed is affiliated with all five regional hospitals and dozens of practitioners in and around Mobile. Learn more on our Biomedical Science program at St. Luke’s.