Brayden’s Summer at Space Camp

Kelly ChoiNews & Events, Spotlight, Student Spotlight

More Than A Summer Vacation.

rayden Sadler is a St. Luke’s eighth grader who dreams of one day studying computer science and further extending his knowledge on coding and programming.

To learn more about coding, Brayden attended the Alabama School of Math and Science for STEM Camp. He learned Python basics, which is a type of coding language. One of his favorite experiences at STEM Camp was a murder mystery class. He described the class to be similar to the game “21 Questions.” STEM camp was so much fun that he is considering returning next year!

Next, Brayden attended Space Camp in Huntsville for his third year. He learned about the history of space travel, the astronauts that helped out in space, and how to make a heat shield out of tin foil and copper. One of his favorite things was a ride called “Moonshot.” He enjoyed it so much that he rode the ride more than 20 times!

Brayden thinks everyone should attend Space Camp. He says everyone was nice and welcoming, they even helped him come out of his shell and create friendships while learning cool things about space. He notes that the Davidson Center is a must see because it has a replica of the Saturn 5!

To top off his summer, Brayden also took a tennis class and enjoyed it so much that he may try out for the Wildcats tennis team!

Brayden definitely had a great summer and we are thankful that he shared his experiences with us!