Former Alabama Legislator is beloved St. Luke’s History Teacher

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St. Luke's Students Love Mr. Box.

tudents receive MORE from their teachers here at St. Luke’s. Mr. Mike Box is one of these incredible teachers whose experience and devotion to their students play an integral role in the lives of many of our wildcats. Mr. Box currently teaches United States History and Government to our juniors and seniors, but the classroom was not Mr. Box’s first calling. The beginning of his career was actually spent in the practice of law. Mr. Box served as the City Attorney for Chickasaw for ten years, the Municipal Judge for Satsuma for five years, and, perhaps most notably, in the Alabama Legislature for sixteen years. While serving as a Legislator, Mr. Box decided he wanted to give back to his beloved community and share the knowledge he had accumulated over the years, so in 2013, Mr. Box joined the St. Luke’s family. Mr. Box continues to make a lasting influence on his students that will carry them far beyond the classroom.

While serving Alabama as a legislator, Mr. Box was selected to serve as president for the National Conference of State Legislators (NCSL). He was the very first, and the only, Alabamian to ever serve in that role! Mr. Box describes this experience as an honor, having been able to work alongside both national and international leaders on solutions to issues that touch our everyday lives. Also while serving as an Alabama Legislator, Mr. Box sponsored many reform bills, but one particularly stands out the most. This would be his position as principal sponsor for the original proposals for the passing of legislation to require the use of seat belts in Alabama, later becoming the cosponsor of the final legislation that was passed. Mr. Box is proud of this achievement, knowing that his contribution spurred change in the Alabama legislature that has saved many lives.

After working in the Alabama Legislature and as a teacher for so many years, Mr. Box has a unique perspective about Alabama Youth today. Mr. Box is adamant that “Our future depends on the youth of today”. He has watched as our world has come to adapt to the new technologies that the twenty-first century has offered. He acknowledges that this adaptation can be taken in both good and bad directions. He encourages responsible use of technology, so that we may reap its benefits while also not sacrificing any integrity. Students are constantly reminded by Mr. Box to closely examine where their sources of information on the internet are coming from.

Mr. Box emphasizes to his students that our government needs people just like themselves to take an interest in politics. As the future of our nation, students are tasked with taking on the responsibilities of government from those who came before them. Mr. Box encourages students to run for public office and work in campaigns after they ultimately leave his class. It is up to the youth today, according to Mr. Box, “to uphold the ideals of our country”. For those students considering a career in politics, Mr. Box offers up two words of advice: “Think, Study!”

The impact of which Mr. Box has made on our campus is truly immeasurable. He brings a fresh and unique perspective into the classroom as a result of his experiences. His contributions are not limited to the classroom, though. Regardless of the time or the location, students will find Mr. Box and his wife cheering on students at all of their extracurricular activities. Our wildcats know that they can rely on Mr. Box to show up for them whenever they need. Thank you, Mr. Box, for your contribution to our St. Luke’s community!