Friendship & Wildcatffeine is the Perfect Blend

Riley GriffithFaculty Spotlight, News & Events, Spotlight, Student Spotlight

More Than A Fundraiser.Mohammed ShahroujSt. Luke’s: Why did you want to start Wildcatffeine?Mohammed Shahrouj: While campaigning to run for SGA president, I wanted to make a big change in how SGA is portrayed and got the idea to make a coffee shop for students from friends and teachers. SL:&nbsp&nbsp How has Wildcattfeine evolved since your first opening day? MS:&nbsp&nbsp At … Read More

Blindfolded PB&J

Haley PattersonBiomed, University, Upper School

Students in St. Luke’s Episcopal School’s Biomedical Sciences program are learning about visual impairment. Students are learning how the visually impaired navigate the world around them and work to develop ideas that help to promote accessibility. Students have created Braille cards, heard from leaders in the field, and this week they are completing a seemingly mundane task without using visual … Read More

Celebrate School Choice Week

Hannah UptigroveAdmissions, News & Events, Spotlight, Student Spotlight

#SchoolChoiceWeek.National School Choice Week’s goal is to raise awareness of the educational options available to students. Parents choose private schools to be able to select their child’s learning environment. We are grateful that Mobile, Alabama has many options available to ensure that all families find the best fit for their children. St. Luke’s realizes that every child is unique and … Read More

Interview With Alumnus Lee Banks

Journalism StaffAlumni Spotlight, News & Events, Spotlight

Lee Banks and family

More Than An Alumnus. In honor of #InternationalDayofEducation, we asked St. Luke’s alumnus Mr. Lee Banks, to tell us how his St. Luke’s education shaped him. St. Luke’s: How did your education at St. Luke’s shape you? Lee Banks: My St. Luke’s education shaped who I am today by teaching me how to persevere, the meaning and application of teamwork, … Read More