Arts in Education Week: Ms. Ottolino

Connie JacksonArts, Faculty Spotlight, Spotlight, Theatre

Theatre teacher Andrea Ottolino welcomes the audience from stage.

More Than a Drama Teacher.Ms. Andrea Ottolino is St. Luke’s beloved theatre teacher. After arriving at St. Luke’s just a few years ago, Ms. Ottolino has grown the theatre program into a thriving and essential part of St. Luke’s culture. Students regularly compete in the state’s Trumbauer Theatre Festival and sell out shows here on campus.Learn more about Ms. Ottolino … Read More

6th Grade Quarterly Theatre Show

Connie JacksonArts, Middle School, Theatre, University, University Student Life

6th grade is required to take a quarterly class in theatre. At the end of each quarter, the budding actors perform in the auditorium. This class performed A Tree Called Aesop.We all know of Aesop’s fables, the stories with a moral, but when three children turn up to the playground who do not know the importance of these stories, it is … japan dating free