Campus Security.

The safety and security of students is paramount at St. Luke's. Each campus has its own custom plan to ensure the safety of everyone. Emergency preparedness procedures are in place and reviewed regularly with faculty. Please contact the director of your child's campus with specific questions on safety and security.

Japonica Campus Security.

The safety of our students and faculty is a top priority. Our beautiful campus is gated and remains locked except during morning and afternoon carpool. Parents may gain entry with a keypad code at the red front doors during the day. We have security cameras throughout the campus and our faculty is ALICE, Epi pen, and CPR trained. St. Luke’s provides a safe environment with proactive and intentional measures designed with the safety of young students in mind.

University Campus Security.

St. Luke’s is committed to the safety and security of students, faculty, staff and visitors on our campus. Emergency plans and procedures are in place for fire, tornadoes, and armed intruders. Continue reading for additional information on University campus preparedness.