Students enrolled in St. Luke’s Fundamentals of Biomedical Science class recently visited the Mobile Medical Museum. The students began their day with an informational tour of the museum, exploring medical artifacts of a bygone era. They also learned of the rich history of the Medical College of Alabama, originally located right here in Mobile. Students also had an opportunity to … Read More
New Science Faculty
We are excited to announce that Mr. David Bentley, our Athletic Trainer here at St. Luke’s Episcopal School since 2009, will be joining our faculty. He will continue to be our full-time trainer, in addition to teaching Fundamentals in Biomedical Sciences, Comparative Body Systems, and Anatomy & Physiology. Mr. Bentley has worked for fifteen years at Fleming Rehab and … Read More
St. Luke’s Launches New Biomed Internship
A new and exciting change for the 2021-2022 school year is the addition of a Clinical Skills Lab Assistant and Development Internship opportunity. Seniors, Ella Grace Rader and Reagan Warner were selected as pioneers of this program. This particular internship will have a combination of skills lab needs and development office needs. This internship was designed to provide interactive learning … Read More
Specialty Weeks in Biomed: Mass Casualty Drill
Our Biomedical Sciences Program has enjoyed participating in the University of South Alabama Mass Casualty Drill. The drill serves several purposes; it provides actual first responders a scenario in which they can practice their MCI skills and responses, it allows the USA nursing, physician assistant and medical students an opportunity to interact in a simulated emergency, and it is the … Read More
Clinical Skills and Simulation Lab
St. Luke’s Episcopal School Biomedical Science Program has created a full functioning clinicalskills and simulation lab. In addition to the interactive lectures and labs that are conducted byarea medical professionals, our students experience simulated immersion activities in our stateof the art facility. We have space for hospital, clinic, and triage simulation as well as a flexibleclassroom and debriefing area. The … Read More
Specialty Weeks in Biomed: Forensics Week
During the Biomedical Science Program Forensics Week, local law enforcement officers presentan actual criminal case that has been solved with the use of forensics. Students review casefiles, learn about evidence collection methods, investigative techniques and explore a recreationof the actual crime scene. The week ends with an explanation of how the case was solved anda question and answer session conducted … Read More
Specialty Weeks in Biomed: Cybersurgeons / Mercy Ship
CyberSurgeonsTM is an intense and immersive learning experience that our Biomedical Sciences Program participates in each year. It is a live simulation in which students quickly diagnose and treat an array of medical cases. With the help of computers, the Internet, and a video conference connection the students interact with a “Chief Medical Officer” at the Challenger Learning Center®. Together, … Read More
Specialty Weeks in Biomed: Trauma Week
Each year the Biomedical Sciences Program conducts a weeklong scenario that involvessevere injury or illness. Over the course of five days the students progress through daily lessonsthat begin at the scene of the incident and move through various medical simulations that followthe patient through treatment. These include EMS and ER, diagnostics and imaging, surgeryand critical care, recovery and rehabilitation, and … Read More
Current and Future Technology
This week in Interventions in Biomedical Sciences class, I have completed research on current and future technology in my field of interest. I have learned that technology in pediatric and neonatal cardiology is a rapidly growing field. 3-D printing is a new and growing technology that has the possibility of becoming very helpful in the medical field. Research is being … Read More